About Us
- High performance, environmentally friendly, food grade products
- Full line of lubricants, greases and cleaners
- Directly replaces conventional petroleum products
- Over 180 US and International patents
- Largest and oldest environmentally friendly lubricant manufacturer in North America
- Private label offerings on many of our products
- Used by City of Seattle, NASA, NOAA Weather, US Sugar, Kellogg's, Pepperidge Farms, Donato’s Pizza, Otis Elevators, US Coast Guard, US Air Force and Davey Tree.
We believe that our company is a way whereby we channel our time, talent, and energy in pursuit of the fundamental goal of serving God by serving others, providing extraordinary service to our customers, creating products that will protect the environment, using our valuable natural resources in a wise and conservative way, and contributing a portion of profits to local and foreign missions and charitable causes that support family values. We keep our products as environmentally friendly as possible without sacrificing performance. It’s all about performance!
Renewable Lubricants, Inc. began in 1991 as a research and development company. From the beginning, we wanted make high performance products that would directly replace conventional petroleum products. We wanted to limit our need of foreign oil and preserve the natural resource of petroleum for applications that require it. Starting with the development of corn-based engine oil made in an inventors garage, we now offer over 250 products with over 180 patents worldwide. The development of these products has continued with grants from the United Soybean Board, the United Department of Agriculture (USDA) and Department of Defense (DOD), along with support from Lubrizol and Dow AgroSciences.
Renewable Lubricants has been given government grants, contracts and/or working agreements with:
- Department of Defense, Department of Interior, Department of Energy, Department of Agriculture, Concurrent Technology Corporation, United Soybean Board, Dow AgroSciences, Lubrizol, Ohio Soybean Council, National and Ohio Corn Growers Associations, Penn State University, University of Lincoln Nebraska, and Chevron Phillips Chemical
In December, 2013, the US Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Vessel General Permit (VGP) came into effect. The revised legislation introduces new environmental regulations for vessels operating in US coastal waters and Great Lakes. The legislation states that environmentally acceptable lubricants* (EAL) must be used in all oil-to-sea interfaces on vessels. Renewable Lubricants™ has developed a full product line to meet these new requirements set by the EPA as Environmentally Acceptable Lubricants (EALs). We are also proud to be a part of the USDA BioPreferred program. All of these organizations and regulations have contributed to the preservation of our natural resources worldwide.
We believe Earth's environmental future rests in the use of renewable materials.
Management Profiles
Jacqueline L. Garmier, President
William W. Garmier, Executive Vice President of Technology and CEO
Benjamin Garmier, Vice President
Jeffry D. Schloneger, Vice President of Operations
Chet McBroom, Vice President of Marketing & Sales
Dan Raicevich, Vice President East Coast Sales
Jim Kennedy, Master Blender, Safety Manager
Russell Silvey, Digital Marketing Manager
Luke Bruce, Chemical Engineer
Alana Tyler, Customer Sales