Bio-Food Grade Hydraulic Fluid
This product is also offered in 55 gallon drums, 275 gallon totes, 330 gallon totes, and bulk tankers. Please contact us for a quote.
Bio-Food Grade™ Hydraulic Fluids are multi-functional biobased lubricants that contain ingredients which are “Generally Regarded as Safe” (GRAS) for food possessing equipment. These (BioPreferred) Fluids are formulated to perform in hydraulic systems and gear drives that require Anti-Wear (AW), anti-rust, anti-oxidation, anti-foam, and demulsibility properties. They are highly inhibited against moisture and rusting in both fresh and sea water and pass both A and B Sequences of the ASTM D-665 Turbine Oil Rust Test. Incorporating the super high viscosity index of the Stabilized* High Oleic Base Stocks (HOBS) into the formula, increases the viscosity index past synthetic levels (Energy Conserving Formulas). They can be used in environmentally sensitive areas such as in agriculture, marine, and food possessing plants.
Data Sheets
Technical Data Sheets (TDS)
- Bio Food Grade Hydraulic Fluid NSF H1 H2
- Bio Food Grade Hydraulic Fluids ISO 15 22
- NSF Bio Food Grade Hydraulic Fluid ISO 32 140349
- NSF Bio Food Grade Hydraulic Fluid ISO 46 140347
- NSF Bio Food Grade Hydraulic Fluid ISO 68 140348
- NSF Bio Food Grade Hydraulic Fluid ISO 100 140350
Safety Data Sheets (SDS)
- 87081 87083 87084 87086 87087 Bio FG Hydraulic Fluid Food Grade ISO 10 SDS
- 87091 87093 87094 87096 87097 Bio FG Hydraulic Fluid Food Grade ISO 15 SDS
- 87101 87103 87104 87106 87107 Bio FG Hydraulic Fluid Food Grade ISO 22 SDS
- 87121 87123 87124 87126 87127 Bio FG Hydraulic Fluid Food Grade ISO 32 SDS
- 87131 87133 87134 87136 87137 Bio FG Hydraulic Fluid Food Grde ISO 46 SDS
- 87141 87143 87144 87146 87147 Bio FG Hydraulic Fluid Food Grde ISO 68 SDS
- 87151 87153 87154 87156 Bio FG Hydraulic Fluid Food Grade ISO 100 SDS
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