Bio-Plus™ Fuel Injector Cleaner
This product is also offered in 55 gallon drums, 275 gallon totes, 330 gallon totes, and bulk tankers. Please contact us for a quote.
Bio-Plus™ Injector Cleaner is a multi-functional synthetic biobased gas additive that is formulated to provide excellent intake valve cleanliness and ensure clean efficient combustion in fuel injected and carburetor equipped engines. This cost effective product meets the BMW criteria for lifetime intake valve deposit control with continuous use and is recommended for use in all grades of gasoline including gasoline containing oxygenates. Bio-Plus™ contains synthetic polymeric dispersants, anti-oxidants, demulsifer components, and anti-corrosive agents that are formulated in a synthetic biobased carrier which will not affect octane ratings or catalytic converters. Bio-Plus™ meets performance standards requested by EPA and major automotive manufacturers. Polymeric dispersants have been recognized by major automotive manufacturers and the EPA to clean injectors, keep injectors clean with continuous use, improve fuel efficiency, and reduce emissions. Tests have been conducted that show using synthetic polymeric dispersants can provide fuel efficiency up to 15% and a reduction of exhaust emissions up to 18%.
This one gallon jug treats an incredible 2,000 gallons of fuel.
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