Bio-Power™ Summer Diesel Fuel Conditioner
This product is also offered in 55 gallon drums, 275 gallon totes, 330 gallon totes, and bulk tankers. Please contact us for a quote.
Bio-Power ™ is a soy-based diesel fuel conditioner formulated to improve fuel economy and power, and overcome the known problems associated with today’s fuel. Bio-Power ™ provides approved EPA standards for world class “Premium Diesel” injector cleanliness, lubricity, and stability. When used at the recommended treat rate in untreated fuel, Bio-Power ™ helps diesel fuels meet and exceed the National Conference on Weights & Measurements (NCWM), Engine Manufacturer’s Association (EMA) and Truck Maintenance Council (TMC) requirements for:
Cummins L10 Injector Depositing Test Detergency (Reference SAE Paper No. 912331)
Fuel Stability using the 180 minute, 302° F oxidation test (NCWM and ASTM accepted)
Improved Lubricity (ASTM D-6078 Scuffing/Load BOCLE)
Corrosion Protection ASTM D-665A (NACE)
Water Tolerance ASTM D-1094
Based on multiple fleet trials and Cummins L10 Injector Deposit Tests, Bio-Power ™ shows significant improvements over untreated fuels in fuel economy, exhaust opacity (black smoke reduction), and engine noise. Cleanliness and lubricity performance help to maintain engines in “like new” condition which maintains power, minimizes crankcase oil dilution, and supplements upper cylinders and valve train with anti-wear protection.
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