Hydro Safe® Premium
This product is also offered in 55 gallon drums, 275 gallon totes, 330 gallon totes, and bulk tankers. Please contact us for a quote.
Hydro Safe® Premium is an ultimately biodegradable vegetable based formula that replaces mineral oil based hydraulic fluids. Hydro Safe® Premium Hydraulic Fluids are formulated to perform in hydraulic systems that require Anti-Wear (AW), anti-rust, anti-oxidation, anti-foam, and demulsibility properties. They are highly inhibited against moisture and rusting in both fresh and sea water and pass both A and B Sequences of the ASTM D-665 Turbine Oil Rust Test. Incorporating the super high viscosity index of the Stabilized* High Oleic Base Stocks (HOBS) into the formula, increases the viscosity index past synthetic levels (Energy Conserving Formulas). Zinc-free additive systems have also been developed that are environmentally friendly and meet or exceed pump requirements.
Hydro Safe® Premium Hydraulic Fluids are designed for use in mobile and stationary hydraulic vane, piston, and gear-type pumps and have shown to have exceptional anti-wear performance. Very little wear was encountered, 0 to 25mg (Pass), in accelerated biobased tests using Denison T-5D, Vickers 20VQ, 35VQ-25 (M-2950-S), and V-104C (ASTM D-2882) pump stand tests at pressures and temperatures ranging from 2000 to 3000 psi and from 1500 to 2100 F. The anti-wear performance exceeds the requirements for US Steel 126 and 127, load stage 10 in the FZG (DIN 51354), DIN 51524, and GM (LS-2). They also meet the requirements for ashless GL-3 gear oils in reduction units and gear sets where they meet the viscosity ranges. Bio-Ultimax™ AW 1000 meets and exceeds Federal Specifications A-A-59354 Superseding MIL-H-46001D.
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